Registration open for IeFP courses mandatory training and pre-registration PFI young people with disabilities as 2022-2023

Free courses for the three-year qualification of Wellness Operator (Beauty and Hairdressing) financed by the Lazio Region and the ESF, managed by the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital

Applications for enrollment in the 1st year of the courses three-year qualification (IeFP) for WELLNESS OPERATOR (beauty and hairdressing specialization), for boys and girls leaving middle school, can be submitted online on the MIUR website - Online registrations (click on the following link ) from 9:00 am on 4 January 2022 to 8:00 pm on 4 February 2022, by entering the mechanical code RMCF018008 or by sending, at any time of the year, the following pre-registration application Pre-registration application 2022_23 at the office secretariat by e-mail to:

The IeFP training center in Via Demetriade offers support to families for clarifications regarding the registration procedure by calling the following numbers 06 70454830 – 06 70454830 from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 14.30.

Pre-registration requests are also open INDIVIDUALIZED TRAINING COURSES for young people with disabilities leaving upper secondary school. To this end it is necessary to call the secretariat of the chosen location (Lungro, Saponaro, Grottaferrata) to arrange an initial interview appointment.

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