How to write an effective CV to get hired

Writing an effective CV that allows us to make a good impression is not at all a simple task.

We at Capodarco Formazione know well that nowadays we obviously need the right skills to be able to find a job in the future. You also need to present yourself correctly, because before arriving at the interview, you are necessarily assessed using the well-known sheet of paper!

In this article we will therefore provide you with a complete guide on how to write a CV who can help you in your quest to find a job!

Therefore, follow the steps and advice that follow to create an effective CV, capable of giving you an edge over other candidates.

Types of resumes

First of all, you should know that there are different types of resumes. Let's look at them one by one:

Chronological or anti-chronological curriculum

The anti-chronological (or chronological) CV is the classic CV, the one that you will surely have seen at least once.

It starts from the collection of your personal data and focuses on the working and educational periods of your life, typically in temporal order, starting from the last experience and going backwards in time, up to the days of your training.

After following this temporal sequence, he adds a section with linguistic knowledge, soft skills (implicit skills such as: organizing yourself, being precise, working in a team) e hard skills (measurable skills such as: using Word, using a cash register, knowing certain sales techniques).

Often, many agencies and companies with long selection processes explicitly require this type of format.

Thematic or functional curriculum

The thematic (or functional) CV is a CV that focuses on your skills and abilities, showing them in the foreground perhaps graphically and providing at a glance a precise overview of what you can do.

The thematic curriculum is ideal if you are a multi-potential and multi-purpose personality.

Since it is focused on skills and overshadows, perhaps in a summarized form, work experience, it can be useful for giving less emphasis on periods of professional inactivity, or when we look for work for the first time, at a time where it is obviously difficult to have more than one internship or internship under your belt.

The thematic CV is more effective in small to medium contexts, where you can speak directly with the team managing the hiring.

Mixed or combined curriculum

The mixed or combined CV is the most complete of the three types and seeks to highlight, in a graphic format, both your skills and competences and your most relevant work and training experiences.

It is used especially in those cases where you are aiming for a specific position and it is only advisable if you already have previous experience, otherwise you risk having half an empty CV.

Furthermore, like the thematic CV, being presented in graphic and not just textual form, it can often require reworking.

Write an effective anti-chronological CV

Given the context we find ourselves in, let's focus on the simplest model: how to write an effective anti-chronological CV.

By following the steps below, you will easily be able to develop a better than average anti-chronological CV.


Start your CV by presenting your most useful personal data: name and surname, date of birth and current residence. Also insert a photograph of yourself in the section and don't forget your contact details: email and telephone number are required!

Some advices:

  • Enter only the municipality of reference and not the complete residence address: in this way, the examiner will avoid excluding you a priori, perhaps because he believes that you are too far from the place of work. You will be able to show that you are available to travel during the interview!
  • Take a photograph, even with your cell phone, by placing yourself in front of a uniform background. Comb your hair, dress well and smile!


If you have work experience, enter them immediately after your personal data, from most recent to least recent, according to this scheme:

  • Employer (The name of the company you worked for)
  • Period (e.g. 2010 – 2011)
  • Position (e.g. accounting clerk)
  • Description of the activities carried out (one-two lines explaining what you did and what skills you acquired)

Some advices:

  • If you worked for short periods, you can be general in your indication: for example 2010 – 2011 instead of October 2010 – February 2011.
  • Next to the period, you can indicate your age, if you worked when you were young and you think this could give you an advantage. This way the examiner will not have to calculate from your date of birth!


In this section you will list all your education experiences.

Be careful though, there's no need to go back to primary school! If you have not obtained subsequent qualifications, for example middle school, in this case you will simply need to write "Elementary/middle school qualification obtained in 2006" depending on your case.

If you followed a particular path in middle school and later chose a professional school, you can also add a few lines regarding the reasons that led you to make this choice.

For example, many of the kids who attend ours free courses to become a hairdresser or beautician they want to open their own salon, or they signed up because they have a passion for hairdressing, or they love wearing makeup.

Now, this is the right place to add a few lines about it.

SKILLS section

The skills section is very useful for inserting your transversal skills that do not necessarily fall into the previous sections. For example, you could be very good at using Word, or be able to use the most recent social networks: many small businesses need to be present on social media, but cannot afford the costs of a dedicated professional, so they choose to " do it yourself."

In this case, having a person who knows how to create a Facebook page, or use TikTok, even in an amateur way, can be very useful!

The same goes for language skills: if you know English, French, Chinese or another second language, always indicate it, specifying the spoken and written level!

PRIVACY section

Remember at the end of the document to add the words "I authorize the processing of data for purposes related to the evaluation of my CV and any subsequent activities necessary for hiring at your company pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679.

And don't forget to sign!

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