Lazio Region – Department of Work, University, School, Training, Research, Merit.
Regional Directorate for Education, Training and Employment Policies.
European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) Programme 2021 – 2027
Policy Objective 4 “A more social Europe”
Regulation (EU) No. 2021/1060 – Regulation (EU) No. 2021/1057
Priority 3 “Social inclusion” Specific objective k)
Action Services for school/training integration for disabled people – PRR 14

This 2024-25 Educational Year has also started, the Nessuno Escluso project aimed at offering a specialized assistance service for school integration aimed at guaranteeing the right to study, ensuring the development of the potential of "fragile" minors in learning, communication, relationships and socialization.
The recipients of the project are in possession of documentation certifying multiple disabilities or invalidities, Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) and Special Educational Needs (BES).
The project is not intended as an ad personam service although it is carried out with actions on individual students and therefore the entire community of students will be able to collaborate and benefit from the project, seeing themselves involved in a perspective of integration between peers.
- Activation of positive resources of class groups and prevention interventions for risky behaviours.
- Support for autonomy for educational success
- Support and involvement of curricular teachers
- Involvement of families
- Involvement of services in the territory