Social Health Worker: a fundamental figure

Today we talk about the figure of the Social Health Operator. The profession of social health worker (OSS) is a professional figure who works in the field of people's health and well-being. The OSS are responsible for providing assistance and support to patients, elderly and disabled people, guaranteeing them maximum comfort and the best possible quality of life...

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Courses for people with disabilities: places available

Our free professional training courses for young people with disabilities still have places available. Our courses include training courses customized to the needs of the individual and are completely free as they are supported by the Lazio Region, as an accredited training body. All courses last from one to four years, depending on…

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Work with us

For our professional training centers we are looking for teachers, for the next training year 2022/2023, graduates in humanistic disciplines (Italian language, English language, history), in scientific disciplines (Mathematical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Dermatology, Trichology) and exercise sciences. How to send your application To send your application you can: Write directly…

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Individualized training courses and the importance of the internship: the stories of the students of the Grottaferrata branch

The video testimonials of the Training Courses Below we present a short video with the original testimonies of our students who participated in the internships carried out during our training courses. What are Individualized Training Paths Capodarco Formazione has been organizing the so-called PFIs for a long time, an acronym that stands for Individualized Training Paths. It deals with…

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