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Course Sheet

Professional Agricultural Entrepreneur – IAP


150 hours

> 18 years

CFP Grottaferrata

650,00 €


The professional agricultural entrepreneur is a person, a farmer, who is in possession of specific professional knowledge and skills, i.e. those skills required by community legislation. The figure of the Professional Agricultural Entrepreneur, defined by Legislative Decree No. 99 of 03/29/2004, knows the reference regulations that regulate the sector and has the skills to run his own agricultural company professionally by correctly organizing all production processes . The IAP qualification is particularly important because thanks to it it is possible to obtain a series of benefits and access to public financing in agriculture.

Det. Authorization No. G04556 dated 04/23/2021

Mandatory requirements

  • Qualifications:
    • have fulfilled the scholastic obligations required by current regulations on the subject
    • be 18 years of age on the date of submission of the application for enrollment in the course
  • Foreign citizens are also required to:
    • possession of the ability to understand the spoken and written Italian language, while carrying out the specific evaluation tests during the selection process remains mandatory
    • be in possession of a regular residence permit

Didactic articulation

The training course complies with the training standard approved with Determination no. G11220 dated 04/10/2016. The content of the course can be viewed at the following link: Lazio Region | Determination no. G11220 dated 04/10/2016


150 hours divided into 125 classroom hours and in 25 hours of external educational visits to affiliated facilities.


At least 3 afternoons a week, from 2.30pm – 7.30pm

Final certification

The candidate who passes the final test is issued a certificate of attendance, with verification of learning, according to the regional forms currently in use.


The participation fee is €650.00, payable in installments.


Det. No. G04556 dated 04/23/2021