Trip to the Villa Gregoriana Park in Tivoli for the 30 young disabled students from Grottaferrata

On April 27th, 30 young students from our training courses for disabled people at the Grottaferrata headquarters participated in the educational visit to the Villa Gregoriana Park in Tivoli. The tour took place thanks to the “Percorsi dello Spirito” project, promoted by Handicap Noi e gli Altri – APS di Tor Bella Monaca (supported by…

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Free courses for young people with disabilities: our PFIs

Young people with disabilities often encounter difficulties in entering both the world of work and their education and training path. To support children and families, Individualized Training Paths (PFI) were created in this context, which represent a possible solution to promote their work and social inclusion, also helping to build self-esteem...

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Our locations: Via Demetriade and its beautician and hairdressing courses

We at Capodarco Formazione are an organization spread across the territory in several locations between Rome and Grottaferrata. With this article we begin to present our different offices in their specific characteristics and functions, to make them known and correctly inform our readers. Let's start with the headquarters in Via Demetriade. The headquarters in Via Demetriade…

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Discover the PFI: Open Day at the CFP in Grottaferrata

At the CFP in Grottaferrata we organize free courses for young people with disabilities. From today, it is possible to pre-register for the courses for the 2023/2024 training year which will be held in the centre. What are PFIs Courses for young people with disabilities are also known as Individualized Training Paths, PFI for short. These are courses characterized by a…

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The importance of training and professional orientation

Training and professional orientation as a tool for territorial development Training and professional orientation is not only an activity aimed at individuals but can also be a powerful tool for territorial development. Through orientation it is possible to promote local resources and develop strategic sectors for the local economy, thus contributing to the well-being and growth of the…

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Hello, Salvo

A tragic accident on Saturday night took Salvo Di Maggio away from us. Brotherly friend and irreplaceable colleague. We shared a thousand paths with him, starting with the school inclusion of Roma children in Tor Bella Monaca. He taught us by doing what "taking care" means. He was a person capable of listening, good, reserved, passionate about education and convinced that…

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